Results for 'Chris van Rompaey'

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    (1 other version)A question of fidelity.Chris van Rompaey - 2006 - Cosmos and History 2 (1-2):350-358.
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    Challenging building blocks: Art, music and agriculture.Chris Jones & Juri van den Heever - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (2):1.
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    Editorial – Challenging Building Blocks: The coherence of cosmological evolution, life, consciousness, morality and building the 21 st century.Chris Jones & Juri Van den Heever - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
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    The Home as a Multimedia Environment: Families’ Conception of Space and the Introduction of Information and Communication Technologies in the Home.Keith Roe & Veerle Van Rompaey - 2001 - Communications 26 (4):351-370.
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    Building blocks of ‘free will’: In conversation with Dick Swaab.Chris Jones & Dawie J. van den Heever - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):8.
    The issue of free will is a complex one that has occupied the minds of many theologians and philosophers through the ages. The two main aspects of free will are the freedom to do otherwise and the power of self-determination. This means that an agent must be able to choose from alternative possibilities and that he or she must be the author or source of that choice. Defined as such, it is clear that the issue of free will is undeniably (...)
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    The building blocks of art and its accompanying role and meaning.Chris Jones & Juri Van den Heever - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4).
    In this article, focusing on the building blocks of art with its concomitant role and meaning, we commence with a brief evolutionary overview of the origin of land vertebrates, which culminated in the rise of our species as we view it. We then review three iconic phases of human evolution, colloquially designated as the Neanderthals, the San and the Cro-Magnons, as manifested by their artistic endeavours. We are well aware that the Cro-Magnons are currently regarded as not sufficiently distinct from (...)
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    Building blocks of imagination.Chris Jones & Juri van den Heever - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):7.
    In the human context, the ubiquitous faculty of imagination is taken for granted. Whether we are singularly equipped with this ability or whether it is an evolved faculty also present in other life forms is a question that has been an issue ever since Darwin. A variety of research projects have indicated the presence of mental processes in non-human taxa and the faculty of imagination developed with increasing complexity over time, to its present status in humans. As an evolved faculty, (...)
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  8. Lost in Learning: Hypertext Navigational Efficiency Measures Are Valid for Predicting Learning in Virtual Reality Educational Games.Chris Ferguson & Herre van Oostendorp - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The lostness measure, an implicit and unobtrusive measure originally designed for assessing the usability of hypertext systems, could be useful in Virtual Reality (VR) games where players need to find information to complete a task. VR locomotion systems with node-based movement mimic actions for exploration and browsing found in hypertext systems. For that reason, hypertext usability measures, such as “lostness” can be used to identify how disoriented a player is when completing tasks in an educational game by examining steps made (...)
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    Building blocks of language.Chris Jones & Juri Van den Heever - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3).
    Articulate language is a form of communication unique to humans. Over time, a spectrum of researchers has proposed various frameworks attempting to explain the evolutionary acquisition of this distinctive human attribute, some deploring the apparent lack of direct evidence elucidating the phenomenon, whilst others have pointed to the contributions of palaeoanthropology, the social brain hypothesis and the fact that even amongst contemporary humans, social group sizes reflect brain size. Theologians have traditionally ignored evolutionary insights as an explanatory paradigm for the (...)
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    The Theory of Analogy in Thomistic Philosophy and in the Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea.Chris van Haeften - 2020 - Philosophia Reformata 85 (1):89-90.
    Introduction to the translation of “De leer der analogie in de thomistische wijsbegeerte en in de wijsbegeerte der wetsidee” by Herman Dooyeweerd, Philosophia Reformata 7, pp. 47–57.
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  11. Artificial Intelligence and Legal Disruption: A New Model for Analysis.John Danaher, Hin-Yan Liu, Matthijs Maas, Luisa Scarcella, Michaela Lexer & Leonard Van Rompaey - forthcoming - Law, Innovation and Technology.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly expected to disrupt the ordinary functioning of society. From how we fight wars or govern society, to how we work and play, and from how we create to how we teach and learn, there is almost no field of human activity which is believed to be entirely immune from the impact of this emerging technology. This poses a multifaceted problem when it comes to designing and understanding regulatory responses to AI. This article aims to: (i) (...)
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    Bimodal Therapy for Chronic Subjective Tinnitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial of EMDR and TRT Versus CBT and TRT.Tine Roanna Luyten, Laure Jacquemin, Nancy Van Looveren, Frank Declau, Erik Fransen, Emilie Cardon, Marc De Bodt, Vedat Topsakal, Paul Van de Heyning, Vincent Van Rompaey & Annick Gilles - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  13.  19
    Norms and values in nursing from an ethical and legal perspective: an international comparative inquiry in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom.I. De Jong, P. Oosterbosch, F. Van Wijmen, Herman Nys, J. Dute, Chris Gastmans & A. Van Der Arend - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (3):257-258.
  14.  20
    The Role of the Cerebellum in Social and Non-Social Action Sequences: A Preliminary LF-rTMS Study.Elien Heleven, Kim van Dun, Sara De Witte, Chris Baeken & Frank Van Overwalle - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    An increasing number of studies demonstrated the involvement of the cerebellum in sequence processing. The current preliminary study is the first to investigate the causal involvement of the cerebellum in sequence generation, using low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. By targeting the posterior cerebellum, we hypothesized that the induced neuro-excitability modulation would lead to altered performance on a Picture and Story sequencing task, which involve the generation of the correct chronological order of various social and non-social stories depicted in cartoons or (...)
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    Awareness of Hearing Loss in Older Adults: Results of a Survey Conducted in 500 Subjects Across 5 European Countries as a Basis for an Online Awareness Campaign. [REVIEW]Patrick S. C. D’Haese, Marc De Bodt, Vincent Van Rompaey & Paul Van de Heyning - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801875942.
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    The lived experience of remembering a ‘good’ interview: Micro-phenomenology applied to itself.Katrin Heimann, Hanne Bess Boelsbjerg, Chris Allen, Martijn van Beek, Christian Suhr, Annika Lübbert & Claire Petitmengin - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):217-245.
    Micro-phenomenology is an interview and analysis method for investigating subjective experience. As a research tool, it provides detailed descriptions of brief moments of any type of subjective experience and offers techniques for systematically comparing them. In this article, we use an auto-ethnographic approach to present and explore the method. The reader is invited to observe a dialogue between two authors that illustrates and comments on the planning, conducting and analysis of a pilot series of five micro-phenomenological interviews. All these interviews (...)
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    A unified neurocomputational model of prospective and retrospective timing.Joost de Jong, Aaron R. Voelker, Terrence C. Stewart, Elkan G. Akyürek, Chris Eliasmith & Hedderik van Rijn - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
  18. Southeast Asia-sacred forests and human-environment relations.Nikolas Århem Chris Coggins, Hoan Thi Phan Agni Klintuni Boedhihartono & Ekoningtyas Margu Wardani Ha Van Le - 2022 - In Chris Coggins & Bixia Chen, Sacred forests of Asia: spiritual ecology and the politics of nature conservation. New York: Routledge.
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    Authorship and ChatGPT: a Conservative View.René van Woudenberg, Chris Ranalli & Daniel Bracker - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-26.
    Is ChatGPT an author? Given its capacity to generate something that reads like human-written text in response to prompts, it might seem natural to ascribe authorship to ChatGPT. However, we argue that ChatGPT is not an author. ChatGPT fails to meet the criteria of authorship because it lacks the ability to perform illocutionary speech acts such as promising or asserting, lacks the fitting mental states like knowledge, belief, or intention, and cannot take responsibility for the texts it produces. Three perspectives (...)
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  20.  63
    Analysing population numbers of the house Sparrow in the netherlands with a matrix model and suggestions for conservation measures.Chris Klok, Remko Holtkamp, Rob van Apeldoorn, Marcel E. Visser & Lia Hemerik - 2006 - Acta Biotheoretica 54 (3):161-178.
    The House Sparrow (Passer domesticus), formerly a common bird species, has shown a rapid decline in Western Europe over recent decades. In The Netherlands, its decline is apparent from 1990 onwards. Many causes for this decline have been suggested that all decrease the vital rates, i.e. survival and reproduction, but their actual impact remains unknown. Although the House Sparrow has been dominant in The Netherlands, data on life history characteristics for this bird species are scarce: data on reproduction are non-existent, (...)
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  21.  45
    COMT Val158Met genotypes differentially influence subgenual cingulate functional connectivity in healthy females.Chris Baeken, Daniele Marinazzo, Stephan Claes, Guo-Rong Wu, Peter Van Schuerbeek, Johan De Mey, Robert Luypaert & Rudi De Raedt - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:91612.
    Brain imaging studies have consistently shown subgenual Anterior Cingulate Cortical (sgACC) involvement in emotion processing. COMT Val158 and Met158 polymorphisms may influence such emotional brain processes in specific ways. Given that resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI) may increase our understanding on brain functioning, we integrated genetic and rsfMRI data and focused on sgACC functional connections. No studies have yet investigated the influence of the COMT Val158Met polymorphism (rs4680) on sgACC resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) in healthy individuals. A homogeneous group of sixty-one Caucasian (...)
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    Children's interpretation of biblical narratives.Jan Van Der Lans, Przemysław Jabłonski & Chris Hermans - 1997 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 22 (1):28-47.
  23.  51
    Cross-modal, bidirectional priming in grapheme-color synesthesia.Chris L. E. Paffen, Maarten J. Van der Smagt & Tanja C. W. Nijboer - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33:325-333.
  24.  38
    De andere Adam. Schepping en plaatsvervanging bij Levinas.Chris Doude van Troostwijk - 2006 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 46 (1):25-35.
    Levinas is in biografisch én in filosofisch opzicht met anti-judaïstische denkbeelden geconfronteerd. Over Christus heeft hij zich slechts sporadisch uitgelaten. Desondanks is zijn werk is te lezen als een ontzenuwing – zo men wil een ‘deconstructie’ – van een aantal klassiek christelijk dogmatische bepalingen, die voedsel gaven aan het antisemitisme. Hij denkt verder dan de traditionele onto-theologie en het daarbij behorende kosmologisch realisme of ethische moralisme. Hoe hij daarbij methodisch te werk gaat, wordt hieronder geschetst aan de hand van twee (...)
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    Ten geleide.Chris Doude van Troostwijk - 2006 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 46 (4):4-6.
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    The Significance of the Philosophy of the Law Idea for the Theory of Human Society.Chris van Haeften - 2022 - Philosophia Reformata 87 (1):105-107.
    Introduction to the translation of “De beteekenis van de wijsbegeerte der wetsidee voor de theorie der menschelijke samenleving” by Herman Dooyeweerd, Philosophia Reformata 2, pp. 99–116.
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    Cooperation & Liaison between Universities & Editors (CLUE): recommendations on best practice.Gerrit van Meer, Paul Taylor, Bernd Pulverer, Debra Parrish, Susan King, Lyn Horn, Zoë Hammatt, Chris Graf, Michele Garfinkel, Michael Farthing, Ksenija Bazdaric, Volker Bähr, Sabine Kleinert & Elizabeth Wager - 2021 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 6 (1).
    BackgroundInaccurate, false or incomplete research publications may mislead readers including researchers and decision-makers. It is therefore important that such problems are identified and rectified promptly. This usually involves collaboration between the research institutions and academic journals involved, but these interactions can be problematic.MethodsThese recommendations were developed following discussions at World Conferences on Research Integrity in 2013 and 2017, and at a specially convened 3-day workshop in 2016 involving participants from 7 countries with expertise in publication ethics and research integrity. The (...)
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  28.  18
    Experiences of Clinical Clerkship Students With Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction: A Qualitative Study on Long-Term Effects.Inge van Dijk, Maria H. C. T. van Beek, Marieke Arts-de Jong, Peter L. B. J. Lucassen, Chris van Weel & Anne E. M. Speckens - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    PurposeTo explore the mindfulness practice, its long-term effects, facilitators and barriers, in clinical clerkship students 2 years after participation in an 8-week mindfulness-based stress reduction training.MethodA qualitative study was performed by semi-structured in-depth interviews with 16 clinical clerkship students selected by purposive sampling. Students had participated in a MBSR training 2 years before and were asked about their current mindfulness practice, and the long-term effects of the MBSR training. Thematic analysis was conducted using the constant comparison method. Data saturation was (...)
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    The Dilemma for Christian Philosophical Thought and the Critical Character of the Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea.Chris van Haeften - 2018 - Philosophia Reformata 83 (2):265-266.
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    The Significance of the Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea for the Theory of Human Society.Chris van Haeften - forthcoming - Philosophia Reformata:1-3.
    Introduction to the translation of “De beteekenis van de wijsbegeerte der wetsidee voor de theorie der menschelijke samenleving” by Herman Dooyeweerd, Philosophia Reformata 2, pp. 99–116.
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    Extension and Epoch: Continuity and Discontinuity in the Philosophy of A.N. Whitehead.Chris Van Haeften - 2001 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 37 (1):59-79.
  32.  20
    Nontheoretical Presuppositions in Science and Scholarship: Critique of an Uncritical Critique.Chris van Haeften - 2022 - Philosophia Reformata 88 (1):83-85.
    Introduction to the translation of “De niet-theoretische voor-oordeelen in de wetenschap: Critiek op een oncritische critiek” by Herman Dooyeweerd (1938), Philosophia Reformata 3 (4), pp. 193–201.
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    Oncology patients’ perceptions of “the good nurse”: a descriptive study in Flanders, Belgium.Elisa Van der Elst, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Robin Biets, Leila Rchaidia & Chris Gastmans - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):719-729.
    The image of “the good nurse” is mainly studied from the perspective of nurses, which often does not match the image held by patients. Therefore, a descriptive study was conducted to examine oncology patients’ perceptions of “the good nurse” and the influence of patient- and context-related variables. A cross-sectional, comparative, descriptive design was used. The sample comprised 557 oncology patients at one of six Flemish hospitals, where they were treated in an oncology day-care unit, oncology hospital ward, or palliative care (...)
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  34.  17
    Problems of Time.Chris van Haeften - 2021 - Philosophia Reformata 86 (2):184-207.
    Herman Dooyeweerd approached time in terms of order. By contrast, Dirk Vollenhoven saw time as continuous change and becoming. Hendrik Hart, in his article “Problems of Time: An Essay,” attempts to steer a middle course between Dooyeweerd and Vollenhoven. However, Hart did not sufficiently take into account that temporality is primarily continuous succession in duration and continuous duration in succession. Nor has he been able to come to terms with the root of cosmic time.
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    Phenomenological and existential contributions to the study of erectile dysfunction.Chris A. Suijker, Corijn van Mazijk, Fred A. Keijzer & Boaz Meijer - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (4):597-608.
    The current medical approach to erectile dysfunction (ED) consists of physiological, psychological and social components. This paper proposes an additional framework for thinking about ED based on phenomenology, by focusing on the theory of sexual projection. This framework will be complementary to the current medical approach to ED. Our phenomenological analysis of ED provides philosophical depth and illuminates overlooked aspects in the study of ED. Mainly by appealing to Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception, we suggest considering an additional etiology of ED (...)
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    Modeling cultural heritage data for online publication.Chris Dijkshoorn, Lora Aroyo, Jacco van Ossenbruggen & Guus Schreiber - 2018 - Applied ontology 13 (4):255-271.
    An increasing number of cultural heritage institutions publish data online. Ontologies can be used to structure published data, thereby increasing interoperability. To achieve widespread adoption o...
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  37.  18
    Building blocks of agriculture.Jurie van den Heever & Chris Jones - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (2):9.
    The origins of agriculture lie in the distant past, approximately 12 000 years ago, when hunter-gatherers of the Palaeolithic embraced sedentism at the dawn of the Neolithic. The variety of life history transitions emanating from this unique phenomenon have had an enormous impact on the biodiversity of the planet, while subjecting humanity to a variety of life-changing physical and social challenges right up to the present. The ever-present consequences of the Agricultural Revolution continue to demand our attention, yet frustrate our (...)
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  38.  20
    Abstraction Revisited.Chris van Haeften - 2005 - Process Studies 34 (1):81-97.
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  39. Process studies supplement..Chris van Haeften - forthcoming - Process Studies.
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    How do students use their ethical compasses during internship? An empirical study among students of universities of applied sciences.Lieke Van Stekelenburg, Chris Smerecnik, Wouter Sanderse & Doret J. de Ruyter - 2023 - International Journal of Ethics Education 8 (1):211-240.
    The aim of this empirical study is to understand how bachelor students at universities of applied sciences (UAS) use their ethical compasses during internships. Semi-structured interviews were held with 36 fourth-year bachelor students across four UAS and three different programs in the Netherlands: Initial Teacher Education, Business Services, and Information and Communication Technology. To our knowledge, no studies appear to have investigated and compared students from multiple professional fields, nor identified the dynamics and the sequence of the strategies in the (...)
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    Affective touch modulates the rubber hand illusion.Haike E. van Stralen, Martine J. E. van Zandvoort, Sylco S. Hoppenbrouwers, Lidewij M. G. Vissers, L. Jaap Kappelle & H. Chris Dijkerman - 2014 - Cognition 131 (1):147-158.
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    Community perspectives on the benefits and risks of technologically enhanced communicable disease surveillance systems: a report on four community juries.Chris Degeling, Stacy M. Carter, Antoine M. van Oijen, Jeremy McAnulty, Vitali Sintchenko, Annette Braunack-Mayer, Trent Yarwood, Jane Johnson & Gwendolyn L. Gilbert - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-14.
    Background Outbreaks of infectious disease cause serious and costly health and social problems. Two new technologies – pathogen whole genome sequencing and Big Data analytics – promise to improve our capacity to detect and control outbreaks earlier, saving lives and resources. However, routinely using these technologies to capture more detailed and specific personal information could be perceived as intrusive and a threat to privacy. Method Four community juries were convened in two demographically different Sydney municipalities and two regional cities in (...)
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    Building blocks of consciousness: Revealing the shared, hidden depths of our biological heritage.Juri van den Heever & Chris Jones - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):11.
    Human consciousness has been a hard problem for thousands of years and, in the course of time, variously interpreted and often too narrowly defined. As a result, the possibility of animal consciousness, sentience or even the possibility that animals can experience pain, received no, or very little, attention. Driven by the trope that animals lack the basic neural attributes to even experience pain, humans have seriously endangered the natural existence of untold multitudes of sentient organisms. However, humans are not the (...)
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    Teachers’ Ideas about what and how they Contribute to the Development of Students’ Ethical Compasses. An Empirical Study among Teachers of Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences.Lieke Van Stekelenburg, Chris Smerecnik, Wouter Sanderse & Doret J. De Ruyter - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-22.
    In this empirical study, we investigate _what_ and _how_ teachers in Dutch universities of applied sciences (UAS) think they contribute to the development of students’ ethical compasses. Six focus groups were conducted with teachers across three programmes: Initial Teaching Education, Business Services, and Information and Communication Technology. This study revealed that teachers across the three different professional disciplines shared similar ideas about what should be addressed in the development of students’ ethical compasses. Their contributions were grouped into three core themes: (...)
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    Pluralism and Ethical Dialogue in Christian Healthcare Institutions: The View of Caritas Catholica Flanders.Chris Gastmans, S. J. Fernand Van Neste & Paul Schotsmans - 2006 - Christian Bioethics 12 (3):265-280.
    In this article, the place and the nature of an ethical dialogue that develops within Christian healthcare institutions in Flanders, Belgium is examined. More specifically, the question is asked how Christian healthcare institutions should position themselves ethically in a context of a pluralistic society. The profile developed by Caritas Catholica Flanders must take seriously not only the external pluralistic context of our society and the internal pluralistic worldviews by personnel/employees and patients, but also the inherent inspiration of a Christian healthcare (...)
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  46.  14
    The Transcendental Critique of Philosophical Thought and the Foundations of the Philosophical Community of Thought in the West.Chris van Haeften - 2024 - Philosophia Reformata 89 (1):139-143.
    Introduction to the translation of “De transcendentale critiek van het wijsgeerig denken en de grondslagen van de wijsgeerige denkgemeenschap van het avondland” by Herman Dooyeweerd (1941), Philosophia Reformata 6 (1), pp. 1–20.
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    The Four Basic Religious Themes in the Development of Philosophical Thinking in the West.Chris van Haeften - 2020 - Philosophia Reformata 86 (1):1-3.
    Introduction to the translation of “De vier religieuze grondthema’s in den ontwikkelingsgang van het wijsgeerig denken van het avondland” by Herman Dooyeweerd (1941), Philosophia Reformata 6 (4), pp. 161–179.
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  48. Employee perceptions of ethical and unethical organizational change.Chris van Tonder - 2007 - African Journal of Business Ethics 2 (1):28-39.
    Organisational change is one of the most frequently recurring organisational phenomena of our time, yet despite this, organisations are not succeeding in instituting change processes effectively; dismal "change success rates" are recorded. Van Tonder and Van Vuuren have argued that the adoption of an ethical framework from within which change practices are to be approached and "managed", would significantly reduce the negative consequences of change initiatives. As a first step in this direction, the current study set out to establish the (...)
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    Cosmic Reality as Human Reality.Chris van Haeften - 2023 - Philosophia Reformata 88 (2):93-103.
    Directly after his first article for Philosophia Reformata (Dooyeweerd 1936a), Dooyeweerd published a long article in two installments about cosmic time. The first was entitled “Het tijdsprobleem en zijn antinomieën op het immanentiestandpunt i” (Dooyeweerd 1936b); its translation, entitled “The Problem of Time and Its Antinomies on the Immanence Standpoint,” was later published in Dooyeweerd (2017). This first installment lays out the basis of Dooyeweerd’s idea of transcendental time and can be regarded as a complete article in itself. According to (...)
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    Harm caused by adverse events in primary care: a clinical observational study.Raymond Wetzels, Rene Wolters, Chris van Weel & Michel Wensing - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (2):323-327.
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